Which song one should select for the participation in music competition??

This is a question often asked to me.

Participants often gets confused , which song they should choose …
The song they like or the song which is more popular or the song more classical type or so called difficult to sing ..

Choice of the right song is very very important for the singer !!
…. Once I was judging the small children’s singing competition , and a small girl with her sweet voice sang a very simple song with her feel , ease , and happiness .
Where as the other boy came with one of classical song of Manna Dey. He was not trained to sing that kind of song. But after asking him he told , this song is more impressive for listeners as it has many TAAN , AALAP , TARANA , so he chose it .

The third participant came with kind of semiclassical song.  While singing he was enjoying it. As every HARKAT he could take it with ease , it was very much practiced , his landings were very clear and correct . The smile on the face , feel of the song was connecting with audience .

So as obavious , the first girl & the third participant got selected for final round !!

## so the song should be chosen as per the ability of individual .

Archana mujumdar .
Professional singer .