What Homework needed whilst learning music at age between 4-8 years & how parents can facilitate them in it .
When parents have not learnt music , and put their children for a class , they are always worried how they can help in the subject what they are not accustomed to. Plus what methods they should ask their children to follow in the learning process which will support their learning & better understanding of the subject .

In skill learning the action is important , repeatation of action only helps in developing fluency .When a teacher decides a method , if the child just repeats it the understanding develops immensely, hence, the most positive way to repeat the act is ask the child to perform it in front of their grandparents / guests / Frirnds & just enjoy his performance with small ways of appreciation and encouragement.

Don’t ever make it a strict affair or part of an ongoing regime to maintain.


Repeating it for different guests will make it even more interesting & appriciable act for the child.
It will indirectly motivate him & make him/ her feel special .
His happiness & confidence will increase. On the other hand shyness & inhibition will go gradually.

Archana mujumdar .
*More on this to be continued*…